Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to ICE....

Have you ever been told to put ice on an injury then have someone else say to put heat on it?  It gets very confusing to remember which to use and when.  So I thought I might offer a refresher for those who can't quite remember and a quick lesson for the rest.

RICE for your injuries
It’s easy to pull a muscle or sprain a joint.  These kinds of injuries may result from simply  overdoing everyday activities like gardening or shoveling snow or they can be caused by an accident, like a fall.  Use the RICE formula immediately after hurting yourself.  You’ll dramatically reduce the time it takes for your injury to heal and get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible.
REST.  The simplest and most effective thing you can do is rest.  Many people try to “work through” the injury in the hopes that it will go away or work itself out.  Injuries don’t spontaneously disappear.  In fact, the excessive movement may damage the tissue further, increasing the amount of inflammation and pain. 
Unless the injury is severe, absolute rest should not exceed 48 hours.  Otherwise, your muscles will become stiff and weal, and scar tissue around the injury will tighten up.  So as soon as the initial pain and swelling subside, you should begin to gently exercise the injured area.
ICE.  Apply ice immediately.  The importance of icing your injury cannot be emphasized enough.  Ice is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.  It slows down blood flow to the area and reduces internal bleeding and swelling.  Depending on the type of injury, your healing time may be cut in half.
Simply place ice cubes in a plastic bag.  You can also use commercial gel packs that you keep in your freezer or a bag of frozen vegetables. (Peas seem to work well)  You may find that these mold better to your body.  Wrap whatever you’re using in a towel or cloth and apply it to the injured area.  Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes and then allow your skin to warm up.  As a general rule, don’t leave ice on for more than 20 minutes because you may cause frostbite.  Ice the injury as frequently as possible, preferably at least once every waking hour.
COMPRESSION AND ELEVATION.  Compression and elevation help reduce swelling.  You can apply compression to the area with an elastic type bandage.  Be careful not to tie the bandage so tightly that you cut off your circulation.  If one of your arms or legs is injured, you can elevate the extremity above the heart level.

HEAT can hurt
When your body’s hurting it feels comforting to put a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the sore area.  But it may not always be a great idea.  Heat can aggravate your  injuries and prolong your pain,  When should you use heat and when should you use ice?  If you’re ever in doubt use ice, but here are some guidelines:

Use Ice if::
* Your injury is recent (within 48 hours following the injury)
* Your muscles are in spasm
Why Ice?
Ice will reduce inflammation and decrease the time it takes for your injury to heal.  It also has an anaesthetic effect that will lessen your pain and relax muscle spasms.

Use Heat if:
* Your injury is chronic (more than 48 hours old)
* Your muscles are tense
* You have pain that’s the result of trigger points or muscle knots
Why Heat?
In either of these cases, there is no danger of aggravating the inflammation.  The heat will relax your muscles and help improve your circulation.

Hope this helps.  There is more in this month's edition of "the Massage Message"  Sign up below to receive our newsletter.
